la robe du soir - new type of card?  

  Forum / Wszystko o iStripper

Dołączył: Feb 2023

3 post(y/ów)
14 dni temu (edited)
I just purchased a booster pack and received "la robe du soir" with Kelly Collins. The card has a logo of S XXX and Either "EX" or "FX" on the top left.

What kind of card is this? It says it was released last year, but it wasn't in my store as a normal or special event card. I don't see it on Dolz either. I also don't see a filter of the "EX" or "FX" type in my filters. Is this a new type of card? Why can't I see it on the store?
Dołączył: Mar 2009

2211 post(y/ów)
14 dni temu
The Kelly Collins card that you received is an "Exclusive" card. They are to be won at certain TGIF games ONLY. They are not available to be exchanged for a Joker card. Or be purchasable with credits or DOLZ. They are NOT available in the store as with SEC's you can NOT buy them.

There are only 2 EX cards at this time.....that one & Lilly Mays' Dragon's Year.
Dołączył: Feb 2023

3 post(y/ów)
14 dni temu
Interesting. Is there somewhere where I can see a list of all the Exclusive cards?
Dołączył: Jul 2008

4464 post(y/ów)
14 dni temu
There are only 2 EX cards at the moment : Kelly Collins f1414 La Robe Du Soir and Lilly Mays f1488 Dragon's Year.
Dołączył: Jul 2008

4464 post(y/ów)
14 dni temu
The team confirm for the EX cards : the ones included in a booster pack have been replaced by a Joker and they no more will be given in the booster packs.

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