Disable and Enable Options

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Inscrit en Sep 2019

1 message(s)
6 September 2019
I disabled my shows and cannot figure out how to enable them again. Help?
Inscrit en Feb 2008

439 message(s)
6 September 2019 (edited)
In the My Collection tab you'll find the number of shows on the left. Directly below the filters are visible and directly below are the shows to see.

If the line containing the filters is not displayed, delete the contents of the search box on the right.

The filters are now displayed. Go from filter to filter and activate all sub-filters. (Click on all.)

Now all shows are displayed.


All filters starting with the second from left to right filter are connected to each other by operation AND.
This means that if all subfilters are deactivated in one of these filters, then no show will be displayed.
Inscrit en Nov 2008

653 message(s)
6 September 2019 (edited)
@judgeDread69 .. if that didnt help. post a screenshot of 'My Collection" page , or provide more details of what you can / cannot see
Inscrit en Nov 2014

1028 message(s)
9 September 2019
@JudgeDread69 Hi, all good ? Let us know : )
Inscrit en Oct 2007

2 message(s)
9 September 2019 (edited)
Sorta related to the "enable/disable" deal. When I open iStripper, I keep getting the guys under Featured's "Popular" menue, in "Previews" and preview DLs. How do I switch back to girls (or between the two)?

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