Full screen scene changes - Changements de scènes en plein écran

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Присоединился в Aug 2017

1236 Сообщения
15 June 2020

Out of curiosity, I would like to know if it is possible in full screen, to change the scene manually without changing the girl while she is dancing ?

Thank you !

Par curiosité, j'aimerais savoir s'il est possible en plein écran, de changer la scène manuellement sans changer la fille pendant qu'elle danse ?

Merci !
Присоединился в Apr 2020

219 Сообщения
15 June 2020
The program is limited in fullscreen, it will only allow you to change the girl in the scene, not the scene behind the girl, and doing so it resets the show.

Fantastic if it would though, it is sorely needed imo.

The function feature that operates in "small mode" working in "Fullscreen" I think would make this program pure perfection for all of us. But I'm sure there has been many discussions about this before so I wont go on.

I as a customer who has only been on here for 2 months, it was the first thing I noticed and I was really disappointed by Fullscreen functionality.
I think community feedback on this subject is important though, hopefully the programmers at Totem hear our requests and they can work out a way to build it differently in their future updates. Fingers crossed,
Присоединился в Aug 2017

1166 Сообщения
16 June 2020
hopefully the programmers at Totem hear our requests and they can work out a way to build it differently in their future updates. Fingers crossed,
Good luck with that, we have been asking for a bunch of extra functionality in the script for years.
Присоединился в Aug 2012

3 Сообщения
28 April 2022
I have a slightly different problem where when I look at the settings I do not have a choice of the different scenes available. I only show scene 1 and none others. I have checked my external hard drive where I have the models directed to and all the sceens are loaded. I also have them on my laptop hard drive yet i cannot choose which scene I would like to show. I can right click to get to different scenes but, it changes the girls at the same time. Where should I locate the scenes directory in order to choose the different scenes? It is currently under vghd.
Присоединился в Oct 2010

1108 Сообщения
28 April 2022 (edited)
Scenes are located in the "data" folder not the "models" folder.

The data folder I think should be in the vghd folder unless you have moved it.

Within the data folder should be a folder called "scenes". The individual scenes are then located in subfolders.

In the GUI if you click on th monitor icon on the top right of the menu bar it should open up apage showing the available scenes. On the top left of this screen is a scene count and a couple of icons, Click on the second icon (the folder icon) this should open widows explorer at the scenes directory. All the scenes should be located there.


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