FIRST RELEASE: Ada Lapiedra tk.2

  Forum / Wszystko o iStripper

Dołączył: Sep 2023

48 post(y/ów)
27 dni temu
My duuudes!

Make some noise for the sexiest return of all, Ada Lapiedra is BACK on iStripper with a mindblowing take 2!!
Can you feel the summer yet? Because I sure do 😎

Go fo yourself a favor and check her first release Waiting For The Sun 🔥

Enjoy!! 😍
Dołączył: Dec 2012

9 post(y/ów)
27 dni temu
Wasn't she using the model-name Cindy Secret? Why the name change?
Dołączył: Jul 2008

4469 post(y/ów)
27 dni temu
Wasn't she using the model-name Cindy Secret? Why the name change?
Because she wants to change her name and we have to respect this.
Dołączył: Dec 2007

443 post(y/ów)
26 dni temu
I didn't realize she was back. That's awesome!

Definitely a favorite of mine by any name.
Dołączył: Dec 2012

9 post(y/ów)
26 dni temu
Oh well... Cindy Secret... Ada Lapiedra... what the heck... she's still the same beautiful adorable creature. Love her.

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