VR 180°: Mina Von D Spidergirl

  Forum / Wszystko o iStripper

Dołączył: Sep 2007

1662 post(y/ów)
January 18
I know you've been waiting for it impatiently!

Here it is, the exceptional and amazing VR 180 video of Mina Von D in her famous coplay!
This girl is simply STUNNING !

Wszystkiego najlepszego !!
Dołączył: Jan 2015

22 post(y/ów)
January 18
The costume lasted a grand total of 9 seconds 😆 that must be a record. Buck naked before even the preview ends! Why even wear a costume, Mina?
Dołączył: Feb 2018

607 post(y/ów)
January 18 (edited)
The costume lasted a grand total of 9 seconds 😆 that must be a record. Buck naked before even the preview ends! Why even wear a costume, Mina?

In the actual VR-video (total duration 8:31) the costume comes totally off at about 1:08, though. The free 1 minute trailer is not necessarily the uncondensed first minute of the show, you know 😀
Dołączył: Mar 2016

17 post(y/ów)
January 19
Im hoping we see a show with that stunning costume!
Dołączył: Jan 2008

14 post(y/ów)
January 19
Love Mina. This is awesome news. ty ❤️😊
Wszystkiego najlepszego !!
Dołączył: Jan 2015

22 post(y/ów)
January 21
The costume lasted a grand total of 9 seconds 😆 that must be a record. Buck naked before even the preview ends! Why even wear a costume, Mina?In the actual VR-video (total duration 8:31) the costume comes totally off at about 1:08, though. The free 1 minute trailer is not necessarily the uncondensed first minute of the show, you know 😀

It is, till date for all the VR shows I have seen. Mina walks in at 00:09 and topless by 00:18.
There are no seperate trailers for the VR shows. Its just the starting 1 minute of the original.
Dołączył: Feb 2018

607 post(y/ów)
January 21
The costume lasted a grand total of 9 seconds 😆 that must be a record. Buck naked before even the preview ends! Why even wear a costume, Mina?In the actual VR-video (total duration 8:31) the costume comes totally off at about 1:08, though. The free 1 minute trailer is not necessarily the uncondensed first minute of the show, you know 😀It is, till date for all the VR shows I have seen. Mina walks in at 00:09 and topless by 00:18.There are no seperate trailers for the VR shows. Its just the starting 1 minute of the original.

You said she was "buck naked before even the preview ends" and that the "costume lasted a grand total of 9 seconds".

English is not my first language, but I never thought that being "topless" is enough to be called "buck naked"... I'm sure you know better :)
Dołączył: Jun 2009

5 post(y/ów)
January 21
The costume lasted a grand total of 9 seconds 😆 that must be a record. Buck naked before even the preview ends! Why even wear a costume, Mina?

you are right, allway same vr stile shows... IStipper we like to watch somthing diferent, pole dance, or just music

Dołączył: Mar 2016

17 post(y/ów)
April 2
I got my wish! An absolutly stunning NFT

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