Other shows with clothes similar to this one?

  Forum / Wszystko o iStripper

Dołączył: May 2019

54 post(y/ów)
September 5, 2019
What other shows have clothes similar to the dress in 0845 Kate Shoo - Sparkling Image?
by that I mean like these thin tiny ropes that theres tons of, idk what they are called, those tiny rope things on the bottom of the dress. Are there other shows with clothes similar to that? I think it looks really good.
Dołączył: Jun 2009

39 post(y/ów)
September 6, 2019 (edited)
I believe that's called fringe.

64 - Zoe -VIP Cabin
235 - Tiffany & Mia Hilton
896 - Cindy Dollar - Rodeo
988 - Mandy Tee - *****
1065 - Eva Sugar - Slow Ride

These cards have some kind of fringe. There maybe others.

Dołączył: May 2019

54 post(y/ów)
September 6, 2019
I believe that's called fringe.

64 - Zoe -VIP Cabin
235 - Tiffany & Mia Hilton
896 - Cindy Dollar - Rodeo
988 - Mandy Tee - *****
1065 - Eva Sugar - Slow Ride

These cards have some kind of fringe. There maybe others.

Wow thanks! I didn't know it was called fringe, and I didn't know about any of these shows either :D Time to check them out!

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