Outfit advertised absent from most clips

  Forum / Wszystko o iStripper

Dołączył: Mar 2008

196 post(y/ów)
June 16, 2019
I'm kind of disappointed after purchasing Stella Flex's latest card f464 Hot & Steamy. From the pics available for free and the card's page, it looks like she's wearing a garter belt and stockings for this show. But when we watch the full show, we realise that except for the preview clips, there are only 2 clips featuring the entire outfit, and one is 30 sec. long. There aren't even any standing or pole clips with the advertised outfit.
@the team I appreciate the discount and Stella Flex is still a great performer, so thanx for that; but is it possible to present the model with the outfit she's actually wearing or warn us if it's different?
Dołączył: May 2013

14 post(y/ów)
June 17, 2019
Good info. I think that's why she is 20% off, for the next few days. Won't be wasting my credits on that act.

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