Do not under stand how it works!!

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Dołączył: Jan 2019

1 post(y/ów)
January 8, 2019
Just joined tonight and WHAT is this! Bought credits for $5 then spent them on what I thought was a full show and all I got was a place to down load pictures, down loaded them but can't get the girl dancing anywhere Do Not under stand!!
Dołączył: Jul 2009

770 post(y/ów)
January 8, 2019 (edited)
Welcome to iStripper.

Beginnings are sometimes difficult times.

When you click on the ‘My Collection’ tab on the menu bar at the top of the interface, you should see an image of Apolonia.

Is this image grey? Click on the downward pointing arrow in the centre of the image. This will download the card animation clips.

Is the image a washed out faded colour? Click on the centre button on the image. This will activate the card.

Is the image in full colour? Click on the left button in the image. This will start the clips playing.

There are a number of filter tabs on the ‘My Collection’ page. Someone who is A LOT smarter than I am can explain those functions.
Also, someone who is A LOT smarter than I am can explain the settings page and how to tailor the program to fit your wants.
Dołączył: Apr 2013

1026 post(y/ów)
January 8, 2019

@Chicsans has given you a good start. Ask questions as you have them. Many of us like to help. Be as detailed as you can.
Dołączył: Nov 2014

1030 post(y/ów)
January 8, 2019
Welcome @McBadwolf ! You can also send me an email to [email protected] if you need further help and information : ))

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