Thank God it's Advent Calendar!

  Forum / Wszystko o iStripper

Dołączył: Jan 2014

87 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018 (edited)
Peeps talk about these exclusive cards like their life is over if they can't get them. Seriously??? Just treat them like another card you probably wouldn't like and move on. No big deal, guys and gals.

You guys who moan so much about this kind of stuff. Yeah, you're anonymous and can do it because there are no come-backs in the real world but think for a minute what other members and friends HERE might think about you...
Ho-hum, so and so is at it again. He/she is getting really boring. Time to scratch them off my friend list methinks.... 😕

Umm what? IDK if English is your first language but are you seriously trying to use peer pressure of some sort to get people to not criticize this? Dude people as a consumer have the right say when something they do not like happens. Will it change anything? Maybe? Will it not work? Maybe?

Either way I have expressed that the more successful the exclusive card bits are the more we will end up seeing which doesn't sit right with me personally. I couldn't care less what other members think about that
Dołączył: Jan 2014

87 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018
At the very least I think the option to buy the cards later on down the road, even at an upcharge of the normal prices, is a very reasonable request to make. Those who are willing to do these event 'deals' can have the extra amount of time to enjoy the card before it's made available to the public and have it for 'free' while those who choose to wait will need to pay for the card itself
Dołączył: Jul 2012

3309 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018
@CwHart - while I completely agree that it would probably have been better if the exclusive nature was for a limited period, though possibly quite a long one, I also very strongly believe that Totem should not change the conditions of the offer now that it has been announced.
Dołączył: Oct 2010

919 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018
you get something wrong.
the Exclusive card will NEVER be available in the Store.
it will stay EXCLUSIVE for those who participate in the Adent Calender promotion.

the same for the Exclusive card from last years Advent Calendar and last weekends Black Friday promotion.
Dołączył: Mar 2008

3776 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018

To get the exclusive card, you Must Purchase Every Card starting from December 2nd , Through the Advent Calendar.

You can Wait till Dec 24th. to purchase the Advent Calendar.
If During the Month you Pickup 5 cards. that you bought one by one...

The Advent calendar will subtract them from the total, and Your Price will be Only for the Balance of the cards,
You do not already own..

BUT, to get the exclusive card, you Must Purchase the Advent Calendar on or before the 24th.

A member who purchases Every card one by one, but did NOT purchase the Advent Calendar, will NOT get the exclusive card.

Dołączył: Jul 2012

3309 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018
@Interestingcard - you are correct. However, I assume that the weekend special offers will continue to be made as they were last year, so there should still be opportunities to get deeper discounts.
Dołączył: Mar 2008

3776 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018
Buy Advent Calendar...
Pay for 24 cards, get the Exclusive December 26th card Free, but you get to see it on the 25th
The 1st card starts on December 1st, you Get to see Decembers 2nds card a day early.

Card number, on December, you See card for December
1__________________Dec 1________________________Dec 2
2__________________Dec 2________________________Dec 3
3__________________Dec 3________________________Dec 4
4__________________Dec 4________________________Dec 5
5__________________Dec 5________________________Dec 6
6__________________Dec 6________________________Dec 7
7__________________Dec 7________________________Dec 8
8__________________Dec 7________________________Dec 9
9__________________Dec 9________________________Dec 10
10_________________Dec 10_______________________Dec 11
11_________________Dec 11_______________________Dec 12
12_________________Dec 12_______________________Dec 13
13_________________Dec 13_______________________Dec 14
14_________________Dec 14_______________________Dec 15
15_________________Dec 15_______________________Dec 16
16_________________Dec 16_______________________Dec 17
17_________________Dec 17_______________________Dec 18
18_________________Dec 18_______________________Dec 19
19_________________Dec 19_______________________Dec 20
20_________________Dec 20_______________________Dec 21
21_________________Dec 21_______________________Dec 22
22_________________Dec 22_______________________Dec 23
23_________________Dec 23_______________________Dec 24
24_________________Dec 24_______________________Dec 25
FREE______________Dec 25_______________________Dec 26

So you Pay for 24 cards, and the 25th Exclusive card is Free.

If you Bought the PreOrder Pack..
You Pay for 23 cards Since you Already Paid for the December 2nd card in the PreOrder Pack.

To See your Card a day Early, You Must visit the Calendar and Click on that Day to Open it..

On December 26th.
Any Card Left unopened, will be Automatically Opened and added to your collection.
Dołączył: Apr 2008

270 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018
A couple of questions: if December 1st's card isn't part of the advent calendar, why wasn't it released today along with Friday's card for those of us who bought the preorder with the last event? Also, December 2 through the 24th inclusive is 23 cards. But I paid 316.25 credits for the calendar (@13.75 credits/card) which is the cost of 23 cards and I bought the preorder with the Black Friday event. So are we who preprdered overpaying for the calendar, or is Christmas day's card not actually the bonus card, but December 26th card? That is, is the cost of the calendar the normal cost of card for the 2nd through the 25th, with 2 cards released on Christmas day? I will enjoy getting a free card on Christmas, but one free card with the purchase of 24 at full price isn't much of a discount.
Dołączył: Apr 2008

270 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018 (edited)
Okay, just saw WA's post ... so those who preordered apparently get two cards tommorrow, the 1st's and the 2nd's....
Dołączył: Oct 2007

252 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018
It's amusing how this ***** over the Advent Calendar promotion will be like a Totem Christmas tradition we can cherish each and every year.
Dołączył: Apr 2008

270 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018
Okay, if ckvghduser, if it all is so clear to you, please explain why those who preordered did not get the card for December 1st along with Friday's card today.
Dołączył: Oct 2010

1249 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018 (edited)
Is English my first language? Debatable. I was born in Liverpool, England aka, Scouseland. 'Yer arrite der, wac(PHLEGM)ker?'
Translation... 'Wassup, dude?' or more plainly, ' How are you doing?' 😊

@CW... From your post, I'm not sure if English is YOUR first language, my friend 😐
Enough of that crap. Personal ***** either way get us nowhere.

Peer pressure? 😒 I don't know what kind of power you think I may have, buddy. I just get bored reading the same moaning comments over and over. Hard to avoid really so I and others like me have to put up with it. 😕

@Interestingcard... Good one! 😀
Dołączył: Mar 2008

3776 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018
From @TheEmu to @Khan91

I shouldn't be ***** to buy 5 cards I don't want just to get access to the one I want.
You are not ***** to do any such thing - you can choose to do it or you can choose not too. At the most it means that for you the the special card is, in effect, rather expensive but it is up to you to decide as to whether the extra expense is justified or not. For some it will not be, for some it will, and for some it is no expense at all.

Yes, exactly...
What is the Value of the Exclusive card, if there are 5 cards you would not normally purchase?
For this Member the Price is 5 cards.

What if you as a Member wouldn't buy 20 of the cards normally.
Then to you the Value of that exclusive card is 20 cards.

But for a member who would buy all the cards normally.
The Value of that exclusive card is Free

You as a member, on December 24th or earlier.
Have to decide, is the Exclusive card, worth paying for the cards you Normally wouldn't buy?

Dołączył: Apr 2013

1026 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018
I am not paying extra for the card I want, I am paying for 5 cards that I don't want to get a card that I want. I would gladly pay extra for a special event card, but I am going to be tricked into buying 5 (or whatever) cards that I don't want just to be able to get the one that I want.

I said this last year and I'll repeat it again. This offer is a give to Totem's best customers, the collectors. For people who buy every card anyway this is a freebie. For people who claim Totem ignores those with large collections, this says "You're wrong."

For a variety of personal reasons, I didn't participate last year and I won't participate this year, but for people who buy most of the cards, this is a good deal.

In my opinion Totem tries to make different kinds of offers that are attractive to different parts of their customer base and no part is excluded.
Dołączył: Mar 2016

949 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018
At the very least I think the option to buy the cards later on down the road, even at an upcharge of the normal prices, is a very reasonable request to make. Those who are willing to do these event 'deals' can have the extra amount of time to enjoy the card before it's made available to the public and have it for 'free' while those who choose to wait will need to pay for the card itself

I quote, and completely agree.
Dołączył: Jun 2008

33 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018
At the very least I think the option to buy the cards later on down the road, even at an upcharge of the normal prices, is a very reasonable request to make. Those who are willing to do these event 'deals' can have the extra amount of time to enjoy the card before it's made available to the public and have it for 'free' while those who choose to wait will need to pay for the card itself
I quote, and completely agree.

This is what Totem did in the way back days. There used to be a thing called the VIP program. I don't recall the exact details, but it was basically a subscription service where members got their cards automatically. (kind of like the advent calendar right now). Every month one card got released as a VIP exclusive, and went to those members free.

After a while, that VIP card went up for sale to the masses. I'm still hoping that's what happens to Niemira from last year.

As a bonus for those people that need to have every card no matter what, I say 'more power to you'. Buy the advent and have fun with it.

For people like me though, I can't make the call about whether this would be good for me, without knowing what the exclusive card is.

Dołączył: Dec 2011

730 post(y/ów)
November 30, 2018
This is what Totem did in the way back days. There used to be a thing called the VIP program. I don't recall the exact details, but it was basically a subscription service where members got their cards automatically. (kind of like the advent calendar right now). Every month one card got released as a VIP exclusive, and went to those members free.

After a while, that VIP card went up for sale to the masses.

No, VIP cards were for members of VIP-level (before we got diamond). Every month VIP members got the vip card for free, all other members could buy them.
Dołączył: Sep 2007

520 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2018
At the very least I think the option to buy the cards later on down the road, even at an upcharge of the normal prices, is a very reasonable request to make. Those who are willing to do these event 'deals' can have the extra amount of time to enjoy the card before it's made available to the public and have it for 'free' while those who choose to wait will need to pay for the card itself
I quote, and completely agree.

We had this same discussion last year and the consensus was if my memory doesn't fail me was that, the "exclusive" card was a condition of the offer and therefore to sell it later would be a breach of the terms of the Advent offer.

The fact that some people don't like it is neither here nor there, Its Totem's offer and you either except it or you don't. Its simply your own individual choice.

***** all you want, but it wouldn't change it
Dołączył: Nov 2018

22 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2018
If i am able to next week im def going to hop onto this offer. :) Seems like a good way to get myself towards the 300 cards eventually. lol
Dołączył: Oct 2007

252 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2018
@boan000 I never said it was clear to me. It was ***** last year. It's ***** this year.
Dołączył: Jan 2014

87 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2018
@HombreSinSombra Was not trying to seem insulting, I legit thought your English was your second language because of how rushed and sloppy the post seemed. If I wanted to be insulting there is much worse I could have said. XD No I do not think you have any power over anyone, I just find the thought of "Think about what others will think about you when making a complaint" kind of a silly point to make.

@Cartref Stated before as a consumer I, and many other who do not like this, have the right to express that disapointment and criticize it. Sorry I don't need you to tell me what would and would not change something.

Fact is I get why they do it, it entices people to purchase more meaning more money in their pocket. It's a business so naturally their biggest interest is to make as much as they can. But the way I see it not everyone would be interested in this deal but interested in that card, possibly. I can't see why they would close off a card that people are not going to want to spend their money on through this deal, but would spend their money on for the card itself.

Finally the whole "But exclusive" or any other point behind the whole reason why it should be locked away forever. In the end like someone said none of these cards are not going to be worth any return value. Tha Niemra card I have is not going to eventually have a high exchange value because many many others who either joined VN too late or decided against it can no long get it. The point of the deal is to get the card itself and right away I am sure. So I don't see why it can't be sold later down the road at an upcharged rate to the normal price like holiday cards, rather than being locked away for good after this.

Dołączył: Jun 2008

33 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2018
No, VIP cards were for members of VIP-level (before we got diamond). Every month VIP members got the vip card for free, all other members could buy them.

Thanks for the clarification, like I said, my memory was fuzzy on it. I could have sworn that there were free cards on a subscription plan. I guess that means I shouldn't swear.
Dołączył: Oct 2010

1102 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2018 (edited)
"On the First Day Of Christmas My Advent Calendar sent to me...."


All appears to have gone well with the first day of the Advent Calendar.

First card was available when I got back from the pub (shortly after midnight UK time).

And for those requesting Totem tell them who the exclusive card is - I don't want to know. There is already speculation about this but I would rather it be a surprise on the 25th.

Thank you Totem for bringing back the Advent Calendar - I for one am a Happy Bunny (or should that be Elf?😉).
Dołączył: Mar 2008

3776 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2018 (edited)
For people like me though, I can't make the call about whether this would be good for me, without knowing what the exclusive card is.

In the words similar to that of one of the US politicians, about Passing Obama Health care plan...
"You Have to Pass it before you Find out what's in it.."

The Advent Calendar
"You Have to buy the Advent Calendar, before you can Find out what's in it. "
Dołączył: Oct 2012

124 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2018
i bought the calenday by mistake and they took out my tokens....they didnt ask am i sure..i made a mistake...what if i dont wanna buy a card? i have to buy every card?...*****
Dołączył: Nov 2008

665 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2018
you have already bought them .. all of them
Dołączył: Mar 2008

3776 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2018

I Like the Scene. I hope you Make a Post for Every Advent Card...
Dołączył: Mar 2009

2213 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2018
Love the wallpaper @Number6, excellent work as usual 😎

i bought the calenday by mistake and they took out my tokens....they didnt ask am i sure..i made a mistake...what if i dont wanna buy a card? i have to buy every card?...*****

Submit a ticket thru Customer Service (thru the circled "i" in the GUI) ask for a refund. Usually these special sales are a 1 click purchase, no "are you sure you want to purchase this package"
Dołączył: Nov 2008

665 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2018 (edited)
@Number6 , i am ***** by your scene.. the red looks like flames 🔥, are you saying it will be one hell of a christmas.
Dołączył: Mar 2008

3776 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2018

i bought the calenday by mistake and they took out my tokens....they didnt ask am i sure..i made a mistake..

if it really was a mistake
Open a ticket with Customer Service and Ask for a refund.

2nd question

what if i dont wanna buy a card? i have to buy every card?...*****

If you Keep the Advent Calendar,
You Already Paid for All the Cards from December 2nd till December 25th.
Then on December 26th, you Get the Exclusive card for free..

BUT, You get to peek at each Card one Day in Advance...
So Go Look at the Advent Calendar and Click on the box numbered 1
A card should be exposed. That is December 2nds Card, but you Get to See it ! day Early, December 1st PARIS TIME.
It's already yours, download it and enjoy it..

You Bought it for the Price of the Calendar.

Brak spełnionych wymagań by wziąć udział w dyskusji.

Jako darmowy użytkownik programu iStripper, nie możesz odpisywać w tematach na forum ani tworzyć nowych tematów.
Masz jednak dostęp do podstawowych kategorii dzięki którym możesz pozostawać w kontakcie ze społecznością !