Dołączył: Feb 2015

2 post(y/ów)
November 1, 2018
Just purchased her newest card. What an angel face! And her outfit....transparent, tight, and best of all a little flail whip. I love it when she spanks her lower body, front and back! YUM, YUM, YUM. Thank you God for your creation..........her visage and body make my heart glad!

PS. I am not sure if this website or Youtube put a werewolf call on during her showing.........I normally listen to Soundeo, has great E music for these strippers! Anyway, it perfectly matched how I was feeling when I watched Ginebra dance!
Dołączył: Feb 2015

2 post(y/ów)
November 1, 2018
Well, realized this comment more properly belonged on the strippers card page.....Oh, well....first time I ever felt moved to comment on a new stripper and now I know how to do it!

Brak spełnionych wymagań by wziąć udział w dyskusji.

Jako darmowy użytkownik programu iStripper, nie możesz odpisywać w tematach na forum ani tworzyć nowych tematów.
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