The VR Shows are great! (imho)

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Joined in Dec 2009

29 投稿
September 8, 2019 (edited)
So. I bought an Oculus Rift-S over the weekend (My hobby is flight sims, so it was only a matter of time!). Having set up, with all the normal frustations and disorientations that come with new equipment, I bought three shows, doffed the HMD and...

The thing is, it was like being in the room with these girls. And most of them are so beautiful! 😍 I rapidly found myself throwing 30 credits after 30 credits happily at Totem for more shows, simply (mostly) for the privilege of breathing the same virtual air as these young performers. The fact that "things came to a head" after a couple of the shows was a bonus.

For what it's worth, I found the girls who were most "in your face" in terms of distance to the camera - these were the most, ahem, compelling. But honestly, just gazing into the eyes of some of these girls was worth the price of admission.

Many thanks, Devs, and long may it continue! 😎

( PS. And a "comments" section for each girl would be a great addition to the webpages!)


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