Thank God It's Friday

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Joined in Dec 2007

719 投稿
June 5, 2019
@gkar45, if you are interested in other images that appeared in the "NEWS" tab, check this page:
Scroll down to "1080x464 (7)"

and this:
Joined in Dec 2007

37 投稿
June 6, 2019
Won't play this game due to the results of the last one. Lost 800+ credits and did not get a single card of any kind.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Not happening.
Joined in Mar 2008

3762 投稿
June 6, 2019

looks like you only have 30 cards Not yet Bought.
And if any of them are less than 45 days old, they do not count towards Cards that can be Won in the Game.

This type of Game is Not the Best suited for Members with Full or Close to Full Collections.

unless your Goal is to Get one of the Special Event Cards you Don't already have.

You could play for Fun, and if you Do uncover and Win a Card, you get 10 credits instead of a card.

But that is a decision only the Member can make.
to Play, or Not to Play, that is the Question.
Joined in Sep 2016

71 投稿
June 7, 2019
Totem should include some kind of disclaimer stating that only cards older than 45 days from their release date are included in the promotion. You know, not everyone reads the forums...


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