active collections - DOLz check box question

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Inscrit en Apr 2024

21 message(s)
Il y a 12 jours
does DOLZ have desktop animations? What is DOLZ? Trough some small reasearch it looks to me it is trading cards thing.

But, if I go to options of iStripper, DESKTOP - active collections - I have option to check and uncheck DOLZ

Does this means there are animations I can get there?
Inscrit en Jul 2008

4466 message(s)
Il y a 12 jours
The DOLZ cards are NFT trading cards which are playable in the app like the regular cards. Each NFT card has 4 levels Limited, Rare, Epic and Legendary. Limited is the same than a regular card, the other levels add some clips to the Limited one.
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