Cards schedule?

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Inscrit en Aug 2008

2 message(s)
13 May 2019
When will Lilu Moon cards be released ? Only two have been released and Bonnie Parker has 3 now. Where is my Lilu Moon ? If not to be told when is it possible to be told how many will there be ?
Inscrit en Feb 2008

439 message(s)
14 May 2019

When the cards are realized is not known.

As things stand, Lili Moon and Bonnie Parker are each planning 6 cards.
Inscrit en Aug 2008

2 message(s)
14 May 2019
6 cards :)😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Inscrit en Jan 2018

64 message(s)
15 May 2019
I am expecting either Lilu Moon or Leona Mia's card to be released today actually.

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