any relation between the preview push and the discounted card ??

  Forum / Le coin des nouveaux

Inscrit en Apr 2019

12 message(s)
29 April 2019
About 2 days ago, I intentionally set the platform such that I will not receive any preview card.

But after so , under the girl store , I also do not receive any discount card invitation.

Thus about 5 hours ago , I intentionally re-set to receive the preview card again.

After so, the discount card invitation comes back again under the girl store.

Does it mean that there is a relation. ? Or is it just a random incident ?
Inscrit en Oct 2018

13 message(s)
30 April 2019
Discounted cards are from preview cards.
Whenever you receive a preview card, it may have a discount and you find them in the store

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