VirtuaGuy Customers and iStripper  

  Forum / Tout sur iStripper

Inscrit en Oct 2008

12 message(s)
4 July 2016 (edited)
I can't see if this question was asked anywhere when doing a search, so what does the new iStripper software mean for VirtuaGuy customers? Will the software work for our guys? Also, if so, will we be stuck with a program interface skin that will show big boobed females in our faces instead of the guys? I don't want to uninstall VirtuaGuy and install iStripper only to discover that I can never use my cards again. That happened to me once several years ago when I had some cards from the original incarnation of VirtuaGuy. I uninstalled the software only to find later when I was in the mood to use it again that it was completely replaced with a newer program and I had no access to my original guys ever again. Anyway, thanks in advance.
Inscrit en Oct 2008

12 message(s)
4 July 2016
I took the plunge and installed it. Good news is that my cards work with the software. The bad news is that its definitely boobs in my face and my dancers are called "girls" and the striptease icon is a set of boobs and there seems to be no option to access the guy store instead of the girl store. I hope we get an update that is VirtuaGuyHD specific. Til then I am going back to the outdated VirtuaGuy software even though I keep getting a message that its expired. :(
Inscrit en Mar 2013

35 message(s)
4 July 2016
Thanks for posting, DarkZephyr. I have been wondering how it would work with VirtuaGuy. As a partial solution, I suggest that Totem rename "Girls Store" to simply "Store". I remember that a few users have both VirtuaGuy and VirtuaGirl. The new term "iStripper" is actually gender neutral. So another choice might be "iStripper Store".

It's also interesting that you can switch back with only the pop-ups. I thought the old software had timed-out by now.
Inscrit en Dec 2008

340 message(s)
4 July 2016
Fair point, it needs to reflect the combined platform better and also have the option in settings to choose which Collections are NOT displayed by default. I can understand Virtuaguy customers don't necessarily want to see boobs in their faces, just as I would prefer not to see naked men in my Store tab.

I guess you could stretch the striptease icon (with a bit of imagination) to being a pair of moobs? Joking aside a gender neutral approach would be wise. Quite what you would use as the icon I don't know.

Maybe with the implementation of skins or part skinning options in the future something can be done with the icons too?
Inscrit en Sep 2007

365 message(s)
4 July 2016
We'll release within two weeks a version of iStripper tailored for VirtuaGuy.
Website will be update also in the coming months to become
Inscrit en Oct 2008

12 message(s)
4 July 2016
Thanks for posting, DarkZephyr.  I have been wondering how it would work with VirtuaGuy.  As a partial solution, I suggest that Totem rename "Girls Store" to simply "Store".  I remember that a few users have both VirtuaGuy and VirtuaGirl.  The new term "iStripper" is actually gender neutral.  So another choice might be "iStripper Store".

It's also interesting that you can switch back with only the pop-ups.  I thought the old software had timed-out by now.

You're welcome! I was surprised it hadn't been asked yet! As for the switching back, I found that I could indeed do so, much to my relief. Everything seems to work just fine, despite the popup which vanishes after you click on it (not the link part).

Fair point, it needs to reflect the combined platform better and also have the option in settings to choose which Collections are NOT displayed by default. I can understand Virtuaguy customers don't necessarily want to see boobs in their faces, just as I would prefer not to see naked men in my Store tab.

I guess you could stretch the striptease icon (with a bit of imagination) to being a pair of moobs? Joking aside a gender neutral approach would be wise. Quite what you would use as the icon I don't know.

Maybe with the implementation of skins or part skinning options in the future something can be done with the icons too?

Thanks for your empathy and lol @the manboob suggestion. SOME guys like those, I am not one of them. LOL I hope we can skin it, I remember there used to be some great skins available at the old VirtuaGuyHD forum before it was closed by Totem.
We'll release within two weeks a version of iStripper tailored for VirtuaGuy.
Website will be update also in the coming months to become

Glad to hear it Rex. Thanks. :D
Inscrit en Jul 2012

3309 message(s)
4 July 2016
Are there any women customers for VirtuaGuy, if so they may not appreciate the name gay.stripper
Inscrit en Jan 2014

149 message(s)
4 July 2016 (edited)
Even if I own just a few VirtuaGuy-cards, I'm glad it's still supported. (Any new cards ahead? New interface, new attempt?)

@TheEmu: My thoughts, too. would be a much better choice.
Inscrit en Feb 2008

741 message(s)
4 July 2016
I was thinking the same thing Emu when I read this. I was thinking "guystripper" and just make the "g" "y" or the "i" letter red like istripper is. Gay stripper seems a bit harsh now a days and as a software title that both genders could use.
Inscrit en Oct 2008

12 message(s)
4 July 2016
Are there any women customers for VirtuaGuy, if so they may not appreciate the name gay.stripper

I think the vast majority are gay or bi men but there are some straight and bi female users for sure.
Inscrit en Sep 2015

1 message(s)
5 July 2016
[quote]Are there any women customers for VirtuaGuy, if so they may not appreciate the name gay.stripper

I think the vast majority are gay or bi men but there are some straight and bi female users for sure.[/quote]

Honestly as a fact they should keep appealing more towards the majority, gay/bi men. I'm a gay male myself and yes I would love it being called gay.stripper. It's not a lgbt+ desktop stripper. You have the girls and what they do majority of the time is straight cis female erotic things, they have THOUSANDS of cards. Let's keep on doing the same with the guy strippers doing their cis male erotic/homorotic things. Cause at the end of the day the cards will be showing guys teasing theme selves in a seductive manner showing off their hole begging for it, jacking their dick and more things. Also what's stopping straight/bi/etc people from going on there, if they claimed that virtuaguy was gay but loved looking at the guys especially certain models that appear to be bottoms to a female viewer or etc. Honestly this part of the convo seems something not worth debating but at the same time good to hear certain voices speak out. Whatever they decide they decide. An really, gay porn sales if this is from a business stand point. Lol.
Inscrit en Sep 2007

520 message(s)
5 July 2016
The problem is that VirtuaGuy did not make money, it was actually a loss making venture for Totem, even after repeated attempts to revive it. That meant bring in a number of high profile gay individuals.

Secondly, the VirtuaGuy community was a fairly feral crowd with little respect for the T & C's of the forum.

A good female friend of mine tried to moderate there and was driven off, we tried to encourage gay members to moderate and one such person resigned as moderator after a while and yes I did support him, even though I am not gay.

Finally, just a little pointer, your avatar is a 100% breach of the T & C's of the community and if you were a regular poster in VirtuaGirls, DeskBabes or iStripper, it would have been hidden long ago. The fact that you have it still is a result of the moderaters, to some extent gave up on trying to bring some semblance of order to the VirtuaGuy forum
Inscrit en Oct 2008

12 message(s)
5 July 2016 (edited)
To address issue of the URL, personally, I think "gay" is appropriate enough, even though straight and bi women use it. The later cards contain full blown sex scenes after all, and they are all between two men.

The problem is that VirtuaGuy did not make money, it was actually a loss making venture for Totem, even after repeated attempts to revive it.  That meant bring in a number of high profile gay individuals.

Secondly, the VirtuaGuy community was a fairly feral crowd with little respect for the T & C's of the forum.

A good female friend of mine tried to moderate there and was driven off, we tried to encourage gay members to moderate and one such person resigned as moderator after a while and yes I did support him, even though I am not gay.

Finally, just a little pointer, your avatar is a 100% breach of the T & C's of the community and if you were a regular poster in VirtuaGirls, DeskBabes or iStripper, it would have been hidden long ago.  The fact that you have it still is a result of the moderaters, to some extent gave up on trying to bring some semblance of order to the VirtuaGuy forum

Are you addressing me, Cartef? I don't THINK you are, but I just want to double check. lol

CyberVixen has been a friend to me as well and I was always on her's and Totem's side in the VirtuaGuy forums. I even bought VirtuaGuy cards that I never wanted and never use because still wanted to contribute to supporting VirtuaGuy (and thus Totem for as long as they kept updating VirtuaGuy).

I seem to have memories of you being pretty helpful and friendly to me in the past in the forums, so I am pretty sure you weren't addressing me :D
Inscrit en Dec 2008

340 message(s)
5 July 2016
It sounds to me like it has become the male equivalent of DeskBabes (now iStripperXXX) then so the address is certainly a valid choice. could have worked phonetically.
Inscrit en Mar 2008

83 message(s)
5 July 2016
Hi DarkZephyr, is good to see your still enjoying the software and that totem will update vguy, maybe they will concider investing in some new shows for you guys while there at it

no Cartref wasn't addressing you your avatar is fine it's the nakey willy of KriltZayxe LOL

Inscrit en Oct 2008

12 message(s)
6 July 2016
It sounds to me like it has become the male equivalent of DeskBabes (now iStripperXXX) then so the address is certainly a valid choice. could have worked phonetically.

Yes, VirtuaGuy wound up getting the male equivalent of the content of DeskBabes toward the end. I enjoyed it. lol
Hi DarkZephyr, is good to see your still enjoying the software and that totem will update vguy, maybe they will concider investing in some new shows for you guys while there at it  

no Cartref wasn't addressing you your avatar is fine it's the nakey willy of KriltZayxe LOL

Hey Vixen! Its great to see you! I see you changed your handle! So I guess you never saw the message I sent to your old handle the other day! lol

I'm glad they will be updating the software for us at some point in the near future.

And it would be AWESOME if they ever added more content for us. They never said they wouldn't ever do it, so there is always hope. :D

I am kind of old fashioned when it comes to my stripper beefcake. I would love to see some cops and cowboy strippers and all that classic costume gimmicky goodness. lol They had them on the original VirtuaGay site from many many moons ago and it was hot. Back in the days of "Brad" (I still miss that one LOL).
Inscrit en May 2015

7 message(s)
26 September 2017
Sorry for the bump. I'm still waiting for new cards to :)
Inscrit en Oct 2008

12 message(s)
8 November 2018
Sorry for the bump. I'm still waiting for new cards to :)

Been waiting for new cards for over 7 years. LOL Maybe one day!
Inscrit en Nov 2014

1033 message(s)
8 November 2018
@DarkZephyr Hi,sorry dear, it is not planned. We are producing female shows only for now.
Inscrit en Jul 2014

1 message(s)
22 October 2020
can not even view my cards on here now
Inscrit en Mar 2019

1353 message(s)
22 October 2020
can not even view my cards on here now

@MikeyH9420 - can you please describe to me what you are seeing and when the problem started?
Inscrit en Apr 2021

62 message(s)
3 May 2022
Hello! The girlfriend and I have been using the iStripper program for a year now and she just came across this forum about VirtuaGuy and she was wondering if she can download male cards into the program of iStripper also or is it a completely different program altogether? Through a little googling she found a version of VirtuaGuy program online lol inspired by this post but it is the same iStripper program and she even found the page of the male cards for purchase like the one for the female cards. Is it for the same iStripper program or would the version she found overwrite my version of iStripper on this laptop? (which would not be cool considering all the female cards we have purchased and the various screens we have collected so far from this site). I suppose her inquiry to male cards would only be fair considering we've been downloading female cards the whole time hehe. She also noticed that the male cards are of medium quality and dated back a few years. She was also wondering if the male cards are obsolete now or can she order some of those male cards from the page she found to add to our collection? I am not surprised that she has found a question relating to male cards lmao. Gotta luv her!!! 🤣
Inscrit en Jul 2008

4477 message(s)
Inscrit en Feb 2019

1569 message(s)
3 May 2022
Hé hé, oui ton amie a bien vu 😉 Les cartes masculines joueront sur la même application, elles sont toujours actives. Une fois que vous aurez acheter votre première carte, les autres apparaitront également dans le store habituel de votre application. 😉

Hey hey, yes your friend saw well 😉 Male cards will play on the same application, they are still active. Once you have purchased your first card, the others will also appear in your usual app store. 😉
Inscrit en Apr 2021

62 message(s)
3 May 2022

Thank you for your response! After reading the thread you suggested she was a little disappointed that we had to change the registry in order to activate the guys then change the registry once again to activate the ladies. It is too bad that the option of buying the male cards are not included in the regular iStripper program without having the need to change the registry every single time. I guess she was hoping to have both male and female cards playing at the same time for the both of us to enjoy when going full screen mode to add a little spice and variety to the program. Maybe it is something to consider in future updates of the iStripper program as I am sure we are not the only couple enjoying this amazing and beautiful program.

Meanwhile I guess I'll just have to keep dancing for her to entertain her sexual desires lol ... and I dance ugly but I do try my best not to laugh or get stoopid or trip over my own 2 feet lmao. She thinks it's hilarious when I try to entertain her and she just luvs it lol. Mind you, my kinky little girlfriend also luvs the ladies too as it was her idea to try out the iStripper program last year when we were a little ***** lol Ok we were very ***** hehe! But we both fell in luv with the program and we are now in the process of learning how to create our own screens with the help of some kind, knowledgeable and helpful members who have assisted us both tremendously. Big Hugs from the Both of Us. 💕
Inscrit en Apr 2013

1027 message(s)
3 May 2022
As @Phiulours said, you don't need to change the registry more than once. Once you have one male and one female in your collection, both will be enabled.
Inscrit en Jun 2011

469 message(s)
3 May 2022
Puisqu'on est sur un fil hautement libertaire, Sade m'a demandé comment on faisait pour activer dans le regedit VirtuaTrans et VirtuaKid. Si un des experts a une réponse qu'il n'attende pas 120 jours pour y répondre.
Inscrit en Apr 2021

62 message(s)
3 May 2022
@Dorsai6 and @Philours

I apologize for misunderstanding the thread @stefnev1 posted for us to read. So we will be able to play both male and female cards at the same time in full screen mode then? She will be so happy to hear this when she gets back from shopping! She found the app store last night for the male cards and bookmarked it. Not too sure how she found that lol. So can we just purchase cards from that page she found instead of changing the registry? Forgive me for asking silly questions as I don't have too much computer knowledge except for the basics. We just celebrated our 1st year anniversary with iStripper and are still a little green with the program and she's the sexy, hot computer wiz and I'm the dumbass musician but nevertheless she thinks I'm a cutie and worth keeping around for awhile lmao.
Inscrit en Mar 2008

3795 message(s)
4 May 2022
One word of caution:
Once the Guy cards are Added to the User Account, they can NOT be separated.

The Guy and Girl cards will all be integrated in the same Store and Same My Collection.

To add the Guy cards to an Existing Girl account
go to

Install that version f the App Directly over top the girl version already installed.

that will Unlock Access to all of the Guy cards.
And Change the SKIN to the GUY skin.

To Switch back to the Girl Skin ( but Now with the guy cards integrated )

make a Registry Edit.
Install the Girl App over top of the now current Guy app.

if you want to use the registry edit:
Registry Branch to Edit
Key to edit
Value = 0 = Girls Store
Value = 1 = Guys Store
Inscrit en Nov 2014

1033 message(s)

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