Not a very random preview?

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Desde en Apr 2009

1 posts
January 27, 2023

I have an almost constant composition of models in the preview. Rarely will a new model appear. Although in the store I see a wide variety of clips.

Is this how it should be or a bad random number generator when selecting?
Desde en Jul 2012

3309 posts
January 27, 2023 (edited)

This has been remarked on many times.

The preview tab apparently displays a selection of the shows that have been most highly rated by those that have bought them (because, I suppose, Totem think that these are the ones that are most likey to be purchased by others - i.e. they are advertising the cards they think will sell best).

But you can manually select to play previews of any card in the store.
Desde en Mar 2008

3795 posts
January 27, 2023
While it should rotate in a new card every 10 minutes
if that is not the case
you can Select ANY card in the store that is NOT an SEC card
and add it to your Previews.
You are limited to 7 at a time, but can add a new one which pushes the oldest one off the list of 7
any time you want.

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