"Always on top" bug

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Desde en Jun 2019

3 posts
June 5, 2019
Im having a weird problem with the Istripper application. I just installed it yesterday but it makes my windows act really weird. Everytime I have the program running it screws up my priority of opened programs. It makes other windows go "Always on top" mode, so when i click on a different program on my task bar it will open BEHIND the "always on top" program. It is quite random which program gets this hyperpriority, but it is never Istripper! Also this makes it so, when i have Istripper activated the girl will be behind the "always on top" program.... So i don't see a thing. It's a bit hard to explain this problem so i hope someone understands what my problem is. I never had this before i installed Istripper so it really seems related to the program
Desde en Nov 2014

1029 posts
June 5, 2019
@Kenzer Hi,Have you tried to click and ***** the strippers where you want them to be on your screen ? Can you please send us some screenshots to [email protected] . Thank you
Desde en Jun 2019

3 posts
June 7, 2019
@Kenzer Hi,Have you tried to click and ***** the strippers where you want them to be on your screen ? Can you please send us some screenshots to [email protected] . Thank you

Thanks for the response,

I can't ***** the strippers when they are behind another window.. I sent a screenshot to the emailadress!

Desde en Aug 2019

4 posts
August 5, 2019
I'm having the same problem. Is there a setting to make sure the girls are always on top?
Desde en Aug 2019

4 posts
August 5, 2019
@Kenzer Hi,Have you tried to click and ***** the strippers where you want them to be on your screen ? Can you please send us some screenshots to [email protected] . Thank you

I've tried that--I run two screens and when I put the girls on the top screen, sometimes they stay--other times they drop to the bottom screen. Also, is there a way to run full size on my top screen? I can't move them in full size.
Desde en Nov 2014

1029 posts
August 6, 2019
@TeeRay Can you please send us some screenshots to [email protected] . Thank you

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