How to Join Discord

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已加入 在 Dec 2011

10 发布
September 3, 2023
Still "Unable to accept invite".
When I go to "My Account" on discord, I see:
Display name: XXBirddogXX
Username: xxbirddogxx

I can not find "xxbirddogxx_63599" anywhere. I think that might be the issue.

Do you have the ability to remove that user profile from iStripper discord?

It is quite possible that in a ***** stooper I tried to access discord and create an account to accept the invite, but when I tried to then enter my email address, discord told me that email was already taken.
Then when I logged into discord with my email address, it would no longer let me join Istripper's discord server.

No idea if that actually happened that way, but it's the only explination I can think of that would explain the issue... It doesn't seem to be a discord issue itself, since I was able to join your test server. I dunno.... Any more help you want to offer is appreciated, but I imagine this is becoming a nuisance.
已加入 在 Dec 2011

10 发布
September 5, 2023
I was able to join with a new email & discord account. Thank you for all of your efforts to get me in, Wyld.

For anyone else stumbling across this thread, looks like my old discord account had a wrong birth year (which can not be changed without submitting a ticket to discord help team), or had a nsfw setting somewhere that was turned on (I could not find it). I just opted to try getting a new email address and creating a new discord account, which worked like a charm.
已加入 在 Sep 2013

1 发布
October 6, 2023
got it ty
已加入 在 Oct 2018

7 发布
December 31, 2023
I have an old account from Discord for Gaming..
I did not set my Birthdate..
Once I set my birthdate, I can now get into NSFW iStripper content !!
已加入 在 Apr 2012

85 发布
January 5
I can get on Discord using the website but can not get on with the discord App. When I put my password in I can get on. I have Windows10 and it seems like the updater on discord starts and then stops and all I get is a blank black screen. What do I do
已加入 在 Aug 2018

1 发布
January 6
hi it wont let me join either can someone please send me a invite???? my discord id is: iamdam0
thanks in advanced
已加入 在 Jul 2008

4486 发布
January 7
Here is a link to reach the iStripper Discord server :
已加入 在 Nov 2014

1033 发布
January 24
@JonC001 "I am still not able to join the istripper discord server.
I am always getting the 'unable to accept' invite."

Could you please try with this link :

Let us know
已加入 在 Mar 2008

1391 发布
January 24 (edited)
I have always been getting the 'unable to accept invite'.

This time, I am getting the 'invalid invite'.
That link is now invalid.

edit: I checked that link again. Besides being an invalid invite, it also says I may not have permission to join.
已加入 在 Nov 2014

1033 发布
January 24
@sheeban Hi, Could you please help @JonC001 and @Jack_Ryder
已加入 在 Jul 2018

3 发布
已加入 在 Jan 2023

1 发布
February 1
已加入 在 Apr 2024

1 发布
April 24
已加入 在 Apr 2024

20 发布
April 25 (edited)
I received an invalid invite when I tried the various links in the thread. What should I do for a valid invite? Thanks.

Never mind, finally got it to work.
已加入 在 Jul 2018

3 发布
May 7 (edited)
Sooo... I just found out the istripper and dolz discord server has disappeared from my discord. Any new invites?

Edit: Never mind, created a brand new discord account and joined successfully.


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