active collections - DOLz check box question

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Joined in Apr 2024

21 Beiträge
Vor 17 Tagen
does DOLZ have desktop animations? What is DOLZ? Trough some small reasearch it looks to me it is trading cards thing.

But, if I go to options of iStripper, DESKTOP - active collections - I have option to check and uncheck DOLZ

Does this means there are animations I can get there?
Joined in Jul 2008

4469 Beiträge
Vor 17 Tagen
The DOLZ cards are NFT trading cards which are playable in the app like the regular cards. Each NFT card has 4 levels Limited, Rare, Epic and Legendary. Limited is the same than a regular card, the other levels add some clips to the Limited one.
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